Perhaps the most striking image of the cultural, political and everyday life of Slovaks in North America are the Slovak newspapers and magazines. Some of them had a circulation several times larger than that of newspapers in Slovakia. They were of irreplaceable importance for the life of the compatriots, so it is a great pity that de facto none of them are published today.

If we had together all the Slovak newspapers that have been published on American soil since 1885, we would actually have a very respectable library of more than 1500 volumes, large and small, including several hundred fat and bulky volumes. Some after the first issue, others after a few weeks, a large number died out after a year, but there were among them such resilient ones as continued to be published for half a century.

It is unbelievable that in Slovakia we have only some of these newspapers and magazines, even incomplete ones. It is the ambition of the Kasigarda Museum of Emigration from Slovakia to North America to acquire as many of these newspapers and magazines as possible for its collections. Our collection is already enriched by some of them. Based on Konštantín Čulen’s work Slovak Magazines in America, we have analysed these newspapers and magazines. We created a database of 230 newspapers and magazines and categorized them according to their focus, periodicity, years of publication, or religiosity.
Interactive overview of Slovak newspapers and magazines published in North America from 1853 to 1957
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“Data throughout this interactive dashboard are the intellectual property of authors and are used herein under license. Copyright ©Martin Javor, 2021. All rights reserved. For further using cite: Javor, M., Michalko, M. Slovak newspapers and magazines in North America [dashboard]. 2021. “Dashboard: 2021”.