About the project

Úspešný projekt v rámci programu Terra Incognita

The aim of the project is to preserve and promote cultural, historical and natural heritage through a unique newly built garden at the Museum of Emigration in Pavlovce nad Uhom – Ťahyňa.

The project will construct a small TahyŇASA observatory in the exterior of the museum, a historic TahyŇASA beehive, a wooden barn with a presentation of the technology that the emigrants brought back to their homeland a hundred years ago, an outdoor “pec na chľib”  (bread oven) that was typical for the area and was the inspiration for the construction of similar ovens in the USA, and the planting of typical shrubs and trees.

Grant amount: €35 000

Duration of the project: March 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024

The project is co-financed by the Košice Self-Governing Region within the Terra Incognita programme.


